At Tutor Doctor Calgary and Area, our Calgary tutors are dedicated to eliminating the knowledge gap and empowering students to take control of their education.
Our private tutors understand that not everyone learns in the same way. That’s why we take the time to offer personalized in-home tutoring and online sessions in Calgary.
What's more, we thoroughly vet every single one of our tutors, from our Calgary math tutors to French tutors, and more! If you are searching for at-home-tutoring near you, reach out to Tutor Doctor Calgary and Area today at (403) 640-2223 or email us at
As a locally owned and operated tutoring company in Calgary, Tutor Doctor strives to give students of all ages the tools they need to succeed. That's because our private home tutors truly care about helping their students learn and grow. Whether you need at-home tutoring near you or online sessions where internet access is available, we can help get you started!
Whether it’s a kindergartener learning the fundamentals or a veteran coming back to continue school at the University of Calgary, we have a program for everyone!
Set your child (or yourself) up for success—turn to Tutor Doctor Calgary and Area for effective online or at-home tutoring near you!